Are you currently using a variety of locks for access to your high-security vaults, safes, and cash drawers? Find out how much you could save annually by implementing remote access control safe locks.

1. Number of branches or locations currently

2. Number of individual locks at each branch location

count each vault, safe, cash drawer, cash recycler, night depository with a lock

3. Number of employees who need access to open the lock

The more employees who need access to the lock may relate to how often you need a locksmith.

4. Total locksmith visits per month for ALL locations*

How often do you need to call a locksmith for each location?

Location(s) x Visit(s) each month = Total

5 locations x 1 visit each mo = 5

10 locations x 1 visit each mo = 10

10 locations x 1 visit at 5 locations = 5

10 locations w/visit quarterly = 2.5

20 locations x but alternating months = 10

20 locations x 1 visit each mo = 20

20 locations w/visit quarterly = 5

You can always return to this page and try entering different numbers to fit your average.

For Question #4, A good rule of thumb is to make this number EQUAL to, or HALF of your total number of locations in Question #1. Click the "?" to see some examples.

You can always come back to try different scenarios and see the differences.
